
Well I'll take a notebook
I'll walk away
This (?) I took makes me say

Will I have to try again
For you to understand

I should have known you better
I should have heard you more
I write that letter
I should have done what
I’ve been looking for


Am I that weird?
Am I that strange?
I’ve got one fear
It is so hard to change


I'm weird
I'm so strange
I’ve got one fear
It is so hard to change


I should have known you better
I should have heard you more
I write that letter
I should have done what
I’ve been looking for


I'm weird
I'm so strange
I’ve got one fear
It is so hard to change

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1 comentário em “J1”

  1. Edmundo Henrique

    Essa música fala de um rapaz por quem ela foi apaixonada, cuja inicial começa com a letra J e deu nome à outras músicas, chamadas de J2, J3, etc, como ela explicou na Live pelo Cultura Livre.


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